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IMDbPMP blog interjú
Stylist | Costume | Set Decorator | Props
HANNATV mini-series, 2018MidAtlantic, Amazon, NBCUdirector: Sarah Adina Smith, Jon Jones, Anders, Amy
Deeperfeature, 2017Pioneer Pictures, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayerdirector: Kornél Mundruczó
Vanity FairTV mini-series, 2017 - Budapest UnitPioneer Picturesdirector: James Strong
ColetteFeature, 2017Pioneer Picturesdirector: Wash Westmoreland
Maigret in MontmartreTV Movie, 2017Pioneer Picturesdirector: Thaddeus O'Sullivan
Maigret - Night at the CrossroadsTV Movie, 2016Pioneer Picturesdirector: Sarah Harding
X Company IIISeries, 2016Pioneer Pictures/4 episodes/
101 year old man...Feature, 2016Proton Cinemadirectors: Felix & Måns Herngren
Fannyphoto shoot, 2016photograper: Blahó László
EleonóraTrailer, 2016AMEGO Filmdirector: Áron Szabó
Maigret's Dead ManTV Movie, 2016Pioneer Picturesdirector: Jon East
Maigret Sets A TrapTV Movie, 2016Pioneer Picturesdirector: Ashley Pearce
Haas Puding Dinasztia TV ad, 2015Kastner & Partners
Fellowes: Kovács Patríciamagazine ad, 2015photograper: László Blahó Indigo Cake
Erikaphoto shoot, 2014photographer: László Blahó
Mara Kőszegi photo shoot, 2014photographer: Gödöllei Eszter
Lili Bordán photo shoot, 2014photographer: László Blahó
EGIS TV ad, 2014director: Balázs Lóth Mark&Merit
Tibor "Gada" Gadácsi photo shoot, 2014photographer: Eszter Gödöllei
MediaMarkt FociVBonline ads, 2014director: Balázs Lóth Mark&Merit
MediaMarkt "Ikrek FociVB" TV ad, 2014director: Balázs Lóth Mark&Merit
Ferenc Virág photo shoot, 2014photographer: Eszter Gödöllei
Goldenphoto shoot, 2014
Sújtólégshort, 2014director: Miklós Borsos
Hien - Project Vcover videos, 2013
Anna Bognár photo shoot, 2013photographer: László Blahó
Barokk photo shoot, 2013phtographer: László Blahó
Erikaphoto shoot, 2013photographer: László Blahó
Lenke photo shoot, 2013photographer: Eszter Gödöllei
Lesyphoto shoot, 2013photographer: Eszter Gödöllei
Cintiaphoto shoot, 2013photographer: Eszter Gödöllei
Anitaphoto shoot, 2013photographer: Eszter Gödöllei
Alexandraphoto shoot, 2014photographer: László Blahó
EGIS K+F promo videos, 2013director: Balázs LóthMark&Merit
EGIS ETTK 3D3D promo video, 2013director: Balázs Lóth Mark&Merit
Fundamenta VTM photo shoot for broshure, 2013photographer: László BlahóIndigoCake
Production Minds Teamphoto shoot, 2013photographer: László Blahó
EGIS Biologicalsimagefilm, 2012director: Balázs Lóth Mark&Merit
Milford TV tag, 2012director of photography: Balázs Lóth Mark&Merit
Lili Bordánphoto shoot, 2012photographer: László Blahó
Zsuzsanna Czékman photo shoot, 2012photographer: Eszter Gödöllei
Egis Imagefilmimagefilm, 2012director: Mihály Schwechtje Mark&Merit
FundamentaTV reklámok / TV ads, 2012FilmFarm, rendező/director: Borsos Miklós
Leánybúcsúshort, 2012director: Zsuzsa Fehér
Ice Queenphoto shoot, 2012photographer: László Blahó
Gyöngy PatikákTV ad, 2011Mark&Meritdirector: Balázs Lóth
Hotel Soleilphoto shoot, 2011photographer: László Blahó
AXN "Sorozatfüggők"TV ads, 2011Mark&Meritdirector: Péter Fülöp
Alexaphoto shoot 2011photographer: László Blahó
Fundamenta TV ad, 2012director: Miklós Borsos FilmFarm
Budoirefotózás / photo shoot 2011fotó/photographer: Blahó László
Fundamenta TV ads, 2010director: Miklós BorsosFilmFarm
Bernadett Kisphoto shoot 2010photographer: László Blahó
Exitdemo film, 2011director: Balázs Lóth TheGarden
Olasz Kalanddemo film, 2010
Hintaphoto shoot, 2010photographer: László Blahó
Fináléshort, 2010director: Balázs Simonyi
Organic Missionimagefilm, 2010TheGardendirector: Balázs Lóth
Mesharraypromo videos, 2009TheGardendirector: Gábor Jekler